Own the room:discover your signature voice to master your leadership presence
Su, Amy Jen
Own the room:discover your signature voice to master your leadership presence by Amy Jen Su - 6thed - Boston Harvard Business Review Press 2013 - xii. 222. p, ill. : 22 cm.
Including bibliographical reference and Index
People are drawn to and influenced by leaders who communicate authentically, connect easily with people, and have immediate impact. So how do you become one of them? How can you learn to “own the room”? This book will help you develop your leadership presence.
According to Amy Jen Su and Muriel Maignan Wilkins, leadership presence is the ability to consistently and clearly articulate your value proposition while influencing and connecting with others. They offer a simple and compelling framework, as well as practical advice about how you can develop your own personal presence.
658.4092 / SUA
Own the room:discover your signature voice to master your leadership presence by Amy Jen Su - 6thed - Boston Harvard Business Review Press 2013 - xii. 222. p, ill. : 22 cm.
Including bibliographical reference and Index
People are drawn to and influenced by leaders who communicate authentically, connect easily with people, and have immediate impact. So how do you become one of them? How can you learn to “own the room”? This book will help you develop your leadership presence.
According to Amy Jen Su and Muriel Maignan Wilkins, leadership presence is the ability to consistently and clearly articulate your value proposition while influencing and connecting with others. They offer a simple and compelling framework, as well as practical advice about how you can develop your own personal presence.
658.4092 / SUA