Malik commentary on the registratrion act, 1908
Tiku, H. L.
Malik commentary on the registratrion act, 1908 by H. L. Tiku - 4th ed. - Delhi Delhi law house 2019 - cxlvii, 1310 p. : ill, ; 24 cm.
Includes index.
Recording and registration
Registration and transfer
Flags of convenience
Ship registers
Registration Act, 1908
343.0965 / TIK
Malik commentary on the registratrion act, 1908 by H. L. Tiku - 4th ed. - Delhi Delhi law house 2019 - cxlvii, 1310 p. : ill, ; 24 cm.
Includes index.
Recording and registration
Registration and transfer
Flags of convenience
Ship registers
Registration Act, 1908
343.0965 / TIK