Revenue law times Case referencer, Vol. II 1997-1999
Wadhwa, Deepak
Revenue law times Case referencer, Vol. II 1997-1999 by Deepak, Wadhwa - 1st Ed. - New Delhi Deeparchie publications 2001 - vi, 1734 p. : ill, ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Central excise
Case references
Miscellaneous act
Customs act
344.01 / WAD
Revenue law times Case referencer, Vol. II 1997-1999 by Deepak, Wadhwa - 1st Ed. - New Delhi Deeparchie publications 2001 - vi, 1734 p. : ill, ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Central excise
Case references
Miscellaneous act
Customs act
344.01 / WAD