Sanjiva Row's commentary on law relating to Contract Act, 1872 and Tenders (Act no. IX of 1872) , (3 vol. set)
Row, T. V. Sanjiva
Sanjiva Row's commentary on law relating to Contract Act, 1872 and Tenders (Act no. IX of 1872) , (3 vol. set) by Sanjiva Row's, P.N. Kumar & Srinivasan S.K.P. - 12th edition. - Delhi Delhi Law House 2018 - lxxxvii, 2136 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes indexes.
Law relating
Contracts India.
Special emphasis
Consumer contracts
346.54022 / ROW
Sanjiva Row's commentary on law relating to Contract Act, 1872 and Tenders (Act no. IX of 1872) , (3 vol. set) by Sanjiva Row's, P.N. Kumar & Srinivasan S.K.P. - 12th edition. - Delhi Delhi Law House 2018 - lxxxvii, 2136 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes indexes.
Law relating
Contracts India.
Special emphasis
Consumer contracts
346.54022 / ROW