Organizational behaviour: text and cases
Singh, Kavita
Organizational behaviour: text and cases - 2nd ed. - New Delhi Pearson Education 2013 - xx, 479 p. ill. 28 cm
Gratis by Dr. Preeta Vyas
Introduction to organizational behaviour; Index; Bibliograpgy; Glossery & Abbreviations
Corporate culture
Organizational behavior
Organizational communication
Work motivation
302.35 SIN
Organizational behaviour: text and cases - 2nd ed. - New Delhi Pearson Education 2013 - xx, 479 p. ill. 28 cm
Gratis by Dr. Preeta Vyas
Introduction to organizational behaviour; Index; Bibliograpgy; Glossery & Abbreviations
Corporate culture
Organizational behavior
Organizational communication
Work motivation
302.35 SIN