Online Public Access Catalog

Logic and knowledge: essays 1901-1950 Bertrand Russell

Marsh, Robert Charles

Logic and knowledge: essays 1901-1950 Bertrand Russell - 1st ed. - London Routledge 1956 - xi, 382 p.

Gratis by Dr. R. H. Dholakia

1 The stock market in historical perspective; On denoting; Demand, Supply, and Equilibrium.; Introduction to Macroeconomics.; Unemployment, Inflation, and National Income.; Consumption, Investment, and Net Exports.; Keynesian Approach to Equilibrium Output.; Fiscal Policy.; The Federal Reserve and the Money Supply.; Monetary and Fiscal Policy.; Inflation, Unemployment, Deficits, and Debt.; Economic Growth and Productivity.; Demand, Supply and Elasticity.; The Theory of Consumer Demand and Utility.; Costs of Production.; Perfect Competition.; Perfect Competition.; Price and Output: Monopoly.; Price and Output: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly.


Logic, Symbolic and mathematical

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