Online Public Access Catalog

Plundered nations? successes and failures in natural resource extraction

Collier, Paul

Plundered nations? successes and failures in natural resource extraction - 1st ed. - New York Palgrave Macmillan 2011 - xiv, 360 p. ill. 22 cm

Suggested by Prof. Diptiranjan Mahapatra

1 A Note on Freedom and Flexibility /​ K J Arrows; Governance and oil revenues in Cameroon /​ B Gauthier &​ A Zeufack; 2. Energy derivatives; 3. Commodity price models; 4. Fundamental market models; 5. Electricity retail products; 6. Risk management

The study of natural resource extraction in resource-rich countries often shows that plunder, rather than prosperity, has become the norm. Management of natural resources differs widely in every state; a close examination of the decision-making chains in


Natural resource management
Natural resources -- Case studies
Natural resources --Developing countries --Management --Case studies
Oil and gas
Sustainable development --Developing countries --Case studies

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