National rural employment guarantee act (NREGA): design, process and impact
Ranjan, Nilay
National rural employment guarantee act (NREGA): design, process and impact - New Delhi Roots Advertising Service Pvt. Ltd. 9999 - 272p.
Gratis by Dr. R. H. Dholakia
Agricultural laborers --Legal status, laws, etc --India
Guaranteed annual income --India.
India National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005
Manpower policy, Rural --India
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (India)
Rural poor --Employment --India
331.110954 UND
National rural employment guarantee act (NREGA): design, process and impact - New Delhi Roots Advertising Service Pvt. Ltd. 9999 - 272p.
Gratis by Dr. R. H. Dholakia
Agricultural laborers --Legal status, laws, etc --India
Guaranteed annual income --India.
India National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005
Manpower policy, Rural --India
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (India)
Rural poor --Employment --India
331.110954 UND